About Us
On a mission to preserve and promote the Bhutanese food culture, we are a family-owned enterprise with about a decade’s experience in the food & hospitality sector. Our enterprises include the Folk Heritage Museum Restaurant, Chuniding Resort, and Chuniding Food, all of which are located and operated in the capital city, Thimphu.
All our ventures focus on the revival, preservation and innovation in Bhutanese food practices.
The restaurants at Folk Heritage Museum and Chuniding Resort , cater authentic Bhutanese cuisine experiences, with emphasis on eating locally sourced and organic food. The resort is tucked away in the pristine forests on the spur off the mighty Dagala Range, away from the sprawling and rapidly growing capital city.
Our retail shop houses over 150 different local and organic Chunding products under Chuniding Food.
Lt. Colonel Kesang Choedon (Retd.) is the founder of Chuniding enterprises. Formally trained in the prestigious Indian Police Service (IPS) in Hyderabad, India, she served the Royal Bhutan Police for 23 years as one of the first two women Police officers in Bhutan. Eventually it was the passion for Bhutanese food, desire to Promote our local food culture and the concern about the degradation in traditional and local food practices with the rapid globalization, that empowered Kesang to make a difference. Growing up in an environment where food and preparation of meals was a primary event of day-to-day life, she developed her culinary skills to become a self-taught chef with over decades of experience, and now specializes in Bhutanese cuisine and food culture. She was also recognized as the 'Woman Entrepreneur' of the year, 2015.